Okay Mommies,
Let's have a little fun with a Leg Huggers Contest!! The Grand Prize of $100 Gift Certificate, courtesy of Agoo Apparel - is good for purchases online at www.agoo4u.com.
We have 10 Pairs of Leg Huggers to give away - so the first 10 mommies with little girls who join this group will get a free pair sent to them. Don't worry - if you already have Leg Huggers, you can still participate by joining this group and uploading your video as below:
Here are the steps;
- Join this group (Members of NewBaby.com can just pick the "Join Group" Button
- We'll ship you a pair of Leg Huggers & a Special Bonus $1 off Coupon of Mr. Bubble
- Create your video of your baby girl wearing the Leg Huggers - put your creative thinking caps on and upload your cutest - funniest video of your on the go little girl in her new Leg Huggers to NewBaby.com
- Then go to http://www.mamacheaps.com/2009/04/big-contest-100-gift-cert-for-agoo.html to enter the drawing for the $100 Grand Prize for the cutest video submission by first posting your embedded video code into your blog and link back in your comment on MamaCheaps.com
- Get your friends to come and check out the videos on NewBaby.com and leave a comment on MamaCheaps or NewBaby.com for the cutest video
- Winner will be randomly selected on Saturday April 25th @ Midnight... and winner will be posted here, on http://www.mamacheaps.com/2009/04/big-contest-100-gift-cert-for-agoo.html and on http://onlineresourcefornewmoms.blogspot.com/
hi! is the video going to be chosen by random or is it the best video that wins? thanks!
Winners will be voted on by the committee and if there is a tie - it will be random from the finalists.
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