Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (my life)

Well, if you want to know how a WAHM manages the needs of a rambunctious 9 month old, after she's had her walk and still needs attention... It's called "give the dog a bone" and even though I was careful unwrapping the packaging... my hand smells like it... YUCK I need a wet-one!

Here's my Windy girl, she is sweet and loves everyone - and her tail, well, it knocks grown men and kids over equally... she shakes her body and wags that tail and everyone ducks for cover!

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Ali said...

I want to eat that puppy right up! Check out my post tomorrow - it's a cute little tribute to the dogs in our lives. Aren't they the best?!

Nell said...

You're going to have a blast with her when she gets huge. I have a male and he is a monster. ;)
