Friday, July 10, 2009

40% of "iUsers" Accessing Internet From Mobile More Than From Computer

According to AdMob, there are many similarities between iPhone and iPod touch users in the US, especially in the demographic makeup of each group in areas such as age and household income. iPhone users are generally older. 69% of iPod touch users are between 13-24 years of age, while this same age segment represents just 26% of iPhone users. 31% of iPhone users are 35-49 years old, while only 12% of iPod touch users fall in this age segment. In total, 74% of iPhone users are over the age of 25, compared to 31% of iPod touch users.

User Age of iPhone & iPod Owners (January thru May, 2009, % of Users)

Source: admob/comScore, July 2009

The research also found that 5 in 10 consumers on both iPhone and iPod touch devices use the mobile Web more frequently than they read printed newspapers. More than 40% reported using the Internet on their mobile device more often than using the Internet from their computers or listening to the radio.

User Media Consumption Patterns, iPhone and iTouch (January thru May, 2009, % of Segment)

Use mobile web more than they:

Source: admob/comScore, July 2009

Loftlon Worth, vice president, comScore, concludes that "... (it is) important for marketers to understand the mobile landscape and the characteristics of the users of a particular platform or mobile device.. "

Additional findings from the study:

* More than 70% of users on both the iPhone and iPod touch are male
* 78% of iPhone users have an annual household income of at least $25,000, compared to only 66% of iPod touch users
* 46% of iPhone users have children, compared to only 28% of iPod touch users

In the next six months:

* 57% of iPhone users plan to purchase clothing, 47%, entertainment and 45%, travel
* 61% of iPod Touch users plan to purchase clothing, 53%, entertainment and 36%, cell phones

The total sample size of iPod touch participants is 3,848, while the total number of participants in the iPhone sample is 3,454. All results were tested for statistically significant differences at the 95% confidence level.

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